Meet Dr. Erin
It’s really nice to meet you! High five for reading this much of my web site btw…. Working with kids and teens is a privilege because I have so much to learn from you! My job is to support you in whatever life is throwing you at home, school, with friends, or maybe just the confusions of growing up.
Therapy, What to Expect
Leading Up To Your Appointment
online questionnaire
brief chat with your parents
Your First Appointment
discuss therapy privacy (who says what to who)
your hopes or goals for therapy (it’s ok if you don’t know!)
chat about life at home, school, with friends
Second Appointment, and Ongoing
coping tools (ways to shrink uncomfortable emotions)
discussions of how therapy is working for you, and how frequent we’ll meet
Telehealth, What Kids are Saying:
“it is easy for me to mentally prepare from home “
“there are fewer transitions in my day”
“home is pretty relaxing and private”
“home is less artificial”
“I can snack, have a pet, or a cozy blanket”